An Autistic Teen Survives in an Apocalyptic World

440  Chapters
4.4 (Rating)
  • Author: Purple Cabin
  • Translator: Flying Lines
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  • Synopsis

    An Autistic Teen Survives in an Apocalyptic World

    Many people enjoy the game "Plants vs. Zombies," but few want to be the "crazy Dave" who lives in that house.

    Unfortunately, Qi Jingyan was living in a world where he had to deal with a virus capable of turning individuals into zombies on a daily basis.

    But, because to his space farm, he could get his food and stuff whenever and wherever he wanted, despite the fact that it only had 16 slots, all of which were filled with Uncle Wang's affection, who cared the most for Qi Jingyan in this universe.

    Uncle Wang, as an elderly butler, couldn't care for his youthful master for the remainder of his master's life. He was concerned about this till he passed away.

    But he would be relieved if he had known what occurred afterwards, as Qi Jingyan met Qi Chuan, who subsequently mutated into a tiger, and they lived together and cared for each other for the rest of their lives...


    Flying Lines

    A fan of Chinese web novels and an amateur in translation.

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