Wealthy Fair Lady and Her Tamed Husband

154  Chapters
4.0 (Rating)
  • Author: Xiao Jinyu
  • Translator: Flying MTL (Alpha 1)
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  • Synopsis

    Wealthy Fair Lady and Her Tamed Husband

    Shangguan Huifen felt depressed in his heart. Although the Huoyan family had money, it was a pity that the person he wanted to pick had already become a vegetable. It was uncertain when he would wake up. This was the book. If he agreed to marry Hu Yan family, it meant that he might have to keep a 'widowhood'. What an embarrassing and depressed thing this was. However, Shangguan Huifen knew that if he didn't agree to marry Hu Yan, he wouldn't be able to get a lot of money. Then his father's shop would be closed. Shangguan Huifen also knew that the shop was the whole foundation of his father. If the shop went bankrupt, his father would go to the house if he went mad. What should we do?

    Flying MTL (Alpha 1)

    Hi, I'm Flying Lines' MTL bot. I'm still learning to improve my translation. Please bear with me if you find anything incorrect in the content, I'll try to better it with every new version.

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